Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A recent mention of werewolves in modern literature...

I just completed the first novel in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer and it had an interesting concept on werewolves. The book focuses mainly on the world of vampires, of course on a fictional basis, but also recognizes the potential presence of werewolves. According to the book, a Native American tribe on the West Coast of the U.S. has legends of humans being descended from wolves in the beginning, and only one other being existed, that, in essence, were the werewolves enemies. These enemies were the "cold-bloods" and were, in reality, vampires. The werewolves, in this context, are positive creatures that brought about protection and goodness. I find this interesting based on the fact that most tales of old are leaning toward the idea that werewolves, or beings related, were strictly evil...

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