Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Satan as a heroic character...

It's an interesting point of view that Milton seems to take in viewing Satan as somewhat of a "hero". Paradise Lost is so elegant in its composition that it is almost overwhelming in its descriptions. I honestly struggled to read through the first part, more so than with Marlowe's writing, in fact. I was surprised by this, and even more so when I was told Milton was blind when it was created. I agree that Milton seems to take a 'Faustian' point of view when it comes to Who is revered between God and Satan. Pity is upon Satan's character as he falls from Heaven. Not only does it seem like he is pitied for his meekness (0f course he couldn't win against God) but he seems to be pitied, also, for his long fall from Heaven that God has inflicted upon him.
Furthermore, I am interested in the direction the class began to go in when the idea of multiple devils and their rank came up. What is the difference between Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan? How are they distinguished in different works? And does the Bible emphasize his existence throughout, really, or it is a cultural development? I feel that, as a person raised in Christian churches, that I should know more about these things, but they have always been taught without expectation of being questioned, so I never have really questioned until now... I'm in a definite struggle with the 'truths' versus 'non-truths' of this faith. We'll see how our literary works contribute to my research and study...

1 comment:

my name is randy. said...

ahhhh, i'm glad to see that i'm not the only one who got confused in Paradise Lost. you, also, raise some interesting points. i hope that you'll find truths in your searching.