Monday, October 20, 2008

Faerie Queene, Collectively

I found that I really had less appreciation for the elaborate, dramatic style of writing used in Faerie Queene than I had expected. The idea of an author complicating a language to make it more authentic seems to make it much less authentic, in my eyes. However, I have true respect, along with fascination, for the vocabulary that has now influenced the English language of today. I can't imagine some of the words, concepts, and imagery in Spenser's books not existing today. What I also found intriguing was the idea the Spenser influenced Tolkien and many other writers of both the old and new eras. The idea that visions breed new visions is very inspiring to me. That works of greatness can rebound off of each other and remain completely seperate in concept is wonderful. Overall, though I struggled with the complicated text, I have come to appreciate Faerie Queene for its ageless influence.

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